Area 24m² / 258 sqft Rent
£1,800.00 / per Annum
This property is currently not available.
Enterprise House, Dalziel Street, Motherwell, UK
Area (m²): 24 m² Area (ft²): 258 sq ft Service Charge: Approx. £1,000.00 per annum, exclusive of VAT. Subject to annual reconciliation. EPC Category: F
Area 98.24m² / 1057 sqft Rent
169 Main Street, Bellshill, UK
Area (m²): 98.24 m² Area (ft²): 1,059 sq ft Service Charge: No Service Charge was charged for the year 2021/2022, However the Landlord reserves the right to service charge in future. EPC Category: D
Area 35.88m² / 386 sqft Rent
£**LETAGREED** / per Annum
This property is currently not available.
188 Main Street, Bellshill, UK
Area (m²): 35.88 m² Area (ft²): 386 or thereby sq ft Service Charge: No Service Charge was charged in the year 2020/2021, Landlord reserves the right to service charge in future. EPC Category: E
Area 441m² / 4747 sqft Rent
£34.400 / per Annum
9 Teal Ct, Bellshill ML4 3NN, UK
Area (m²): 441 m² Area (ft²): 4745 sq ft Service Charge: £ 5,200 p/a EPC Category: D